Friday, April 18, 2008


It's my birthday weekend so what does a girl do? Well if she's a sensible person like me, she goes out to get her hair did! Now almost every single time I go get a cut and color or whatever, I hate it for a good 3 weeks. And when I say hate, I mean self loathing. But this guy is icelandic, so I hope his work is euro good. And when I say euro, I mean it's 1.60 for every $1 I spend. Yeah economy! Well pressure is on cause I'm turning 25 again and ready to show this world the meaning of bitter and unloved! ;) but honestly, ill just be spending it with my close friends singing bon jovi and guns N roses all night long. The asian is coming out powerful hard this weekend!
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Rick Shafer said...

Hey pretty eyes,

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your 25?! You don't look that old.
Don't party too hard.
Yea the dollar is floating like a led baloon - I better start learning german or chinese or some language where they have an economy.
I hear chinese is really hard to learn, like 7 times harder than english, you wouldn't be interested in starting an online coarse would you?:)-Just kidding
All the best on your birthday and beyond,
Rick Shafer

Dr V said...

"Bitter and unloved?" Well that just shows you've gotten soft in your posh Beverly Hills lifestyle, and taking your finger off the pulse of your public young lady! That's right, I called you "young lady" because I say that to any woman who has not passed the age of 25...literally or figuratively. haha On a serious note, I hope you love your Icelandic Euro Hair, and had the best time ever singing with your loved ones. Here's to making the next time you turn 25 jealous! All the best Chi-Lan. Your public loves you. Keep up the good work!