Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Mind of Mencia

Sorry for the late notice, but I am on Mind of Mencia tonight at 9 pm.

Yeah Comedy Central that made me join the union and pay for the goddamn high initiation fees! With no benefits! Everybody applaud!


DM said...

Well, now you've given me an excuse ANOTHER show on cable. Thanks! ;-)

Caleb said...

Damn, I missed it. Hopefully I'll catch the re-run.

Marcus said...

Ya, I missed it too, but comedy central reruns that show a lot, so I'll keep an eye out.

I can't believe you had to join the union, especially with the AFL-CIO going to hell in a handbasket. Do you atleast get a crappy HMO out of it?

Brent said...

You my friend burn the candle at both ends... So full of energy, desire, personality, and talent.

I got a chuckle today.. when I remember you riding the Segway around the set.. ha ha

Brent said...

Wow... now Chi-lan you are getting Spam on your blog... Willowss must be a spam-bot.

I guess it was only a matter of time before Spambots invaded blogs. They are all over email and chat.

Marcus said...

Mencia isn't on again until friday night. That kinda sux, but I bet it will get more reruns on the weekend.

Marcus said...

I finally saw it last night. Your appearance was kind of short, was it cut down? Overall the segment was ok, but I tuned in to see you and I don't even think you said anything. I'm starting to wonder how much more of that segment was staged.