Friday, July 25, 2008

Reelz Channel

Hey everyone, it has been a busy couple weeks, with auditions, meetings, and not having my contract renewed by Reelz. :( that means I will no longer be hosting 'The Big Tease' so please do not tune in to me on that channel.

The run was fun but Reelz has some financial difficulty and did a large round of layoffs, and with my contract coming up for renewal, they decided not to have me come back.

Oh well, so is the business. But no worries, I already have many things brewing and will let you know of them as soon as I do!

This is a very exciting time in my life where I have time to persue other interests and can open myself up to other networks, and yes, I am already in talks!

I am now headed to Comic-Con in San Diego! I am extremely excited, and decided to take the surfliner train down. All would be fine, except the train ended up being 55 min late, and the conductors have just gotten on the PA system saying they're sorry but we're gonna have to unload and then reload before we can get to San Diego. This is so funny! If something can go wrong, you can bet your dollar it will! :)

Oh and I am currently obsessed with Mad Men on AMC. Right now it is holding me over until DEXTER season 2 arrives on DVD. Hurry up! It is embarrassing how much I love TV. :) more from Comic-Con if I get down there....


Anonymous said...

Fie, a pox on Reelz channel!
Forget them, you're on your way to bigger and better things.
Enjoy Comic-con. All the best to you Ch-Lan.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry (I'm sure you're not, but anyway.......), I bet you won't be cooling your heels too long before you've got a new regular gig.

Have you considered contacting Roeper and Ebert, and seeing if they're going to have a new movie-review-related venture? If so, there might be something there for you. Chin up, kiddo.

Dr V said...

Too bad for Reelz and 'The Big Tease' for their short-sighted judgment. My motivation for watching the entire network is frighteningly obvious. Please do keep us informed on your developments as you know more. I am undoubtedly a HUGE Chi-Lan fan, and my support will always follow your career path. No one should get the idea that I'm some sentimental schmo...I'm backing on a winner! Your uncanny ability to constantly find the Up Escalator in every position change, is self-evident. One thing we all know, is something bigger is on the horizon.

I absolutely LOVE 'Dexter' myself! Wouldn't the Earth be a better place to live, if all our serial killers would "take-out the trash" wherever they may be. Universal Sanitation that's an idea whose time has come! ^_^

Anonymous said...

I knew they were up to something when they paired you up on the show with a co-host. Here's to hoping a better gig is around the bend. Looking forward to lusting after you on TV again soon!

Charlie said...

I never wanted to be rude but that show pretty much sucked anyway. They should have let you rip on the trailers that look like total garbage. Good luck in your future endeavors.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck to your future endeavors,

Unknown said...

Sorry about the Reelz thing, just got around to checking on the nagging fact that you were no longer there.Best not to be there if they may be going under anyway. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

"The Big Tease" is horrible without you. It was perfect, then the other guy was brought in, now there is the new girl, and...BLAH! Its just horrible.

Wish I could have spotted you at Comic Con. So much fun that weekend. ^_^