Monday, August 22, 2005

Sometimes I wonder...

You know what is weird? People jockeying for their authority. that's what. I mean, this isn't South Park's Cartman saying 'Respect my authority!'. This is a grown woman questioning my need to get pens.

Now for a little back story. Let's say hypothetically that a 'friend' of mine started working for a new network, check it at It's pretty superific. Being at a start-up, there are no office supplies to be had without ordering them first. Logically, 'the friend' orders some. And here is where the trouble begins. Order goes in, yelling ensues about the type of pen, jockeying for authority begins, and the 'friend' goes off about how these pens are not Mont Blanc, but just Pilot pens. Damn. I am not alone in this battle, I know.

little rant, lots of steam. next posting should be about tech related stuff. Hopefully.


Marcus said...

Wow, that's pretty funny. Bureaucracy really sucks sometimes. How can they get mad over some freakin pens though? It's not like you ordered some $99 desk-lamp or toilet paper for the ladies room. Do they expect you to write in blood like Sideshow-Bob?

Brent said...

Perhaps a Waterman or Pelican... they are both fine writing pens....

Hmmm Mont Blanc... there was a Mont Blanc store in the mall in Jakarta... Chi-lan do you want me to put you down for a dozen when I go back?

Marcus said...

I just remembered, there is a song by Gomo called "I Wonder." It has a funny music video about relieving stress, and part of it is in an office.

It's almost worth it I think.

Zack said...

Well the acquisition of pens should not have to be such a difficult pursuit for this 'friend', but since when have people made any sense? Particularly when certain people might have their 'authority' over-ridden in some inifinitesimal manner? Oh well, people can always revert to shouting loudly to communicate when writing implements fail them. By the way, I just randomly stumble across your blog today, very fun and amusing stuff. Cheers.

Brent said...

Chi-lan must be busy....

I just got a Canon GL2 Chi... it works well... I shot a wedding this last Sat. Now I'm editing it on the Mac. I want to get a Nano soon.... I hope all is going well for you.

Marcus said...

Please tell me we don't have to go two whole months without a chi-lan update. Seriously, tell me. Anything will do.