Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Sugar headache

Holidays are great. There’s family, food, and a butt-load of chocolate and homemade sweets. The only thing is that you get a HORRIBLE sugar headache for not having any for so long. Enter my dilemma. My head hurts like there are little trolls running a marathon in golf shoes, with the start and finish lines being at my temples. The bastards. If I had all my senses about me, I’d give them a sound beating, then roll them out onto a cookie sheet, bake them, and decorate them like I would gingerbread men. It is the holidays after all.

I will have more tech reviews soon…as soon as those dastardly trolls stop running.

thanks again for sticking with this crazy Chinese girl!


Mike "Mooch" said...

Ah, the ol' sugar trolls, eh? I once had a trio of Gummi Goblins wreaking havoc in my lower intestine after a healthy binge of sweet, sweet sugar.
Let's just say, a couple of clean pairs of pants later things were right with the world once again.

I said too much, didn't I.

Chi-lan, next time you bake up a batch of your cookie trolls, please send a couple o' those bastards my way. Nothing tastes better than a lightly browned troll lovingly coated with icing and gumdrops, which always make a delicious trail as it slides down through my stomach and into my lower intestine.

I did it again, didn't I.

Zack said...

Hey well you know, it isn't all bad to have trolls running around in your head. I mean, you can always just go to the doctor and say, "Hey Doc, I've got Trolls in my head!" And then when they carry you away to a much better place, you'll reflect happily on your decision to spread the love around, as it were. I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm saying anymore. I've watched wayyy too much Television this week.

Brent said...

Well I had Christmas in St. Louis... so I got out of town a few days. Of course I tried to watch what I ate.. but going to the iHop for several meals means a few pounds... Even though St. Louis has the best German and Italian restaurants... I had Beijing Ya (Peking duck) at a great Chinese restaurant... yum yum.

Now I'm loading my iPod up with pod-casts so I can walk around the block several times...

Chi I bet if you had so much chocolate you are doing your extra exercises too.. ha ha.

Marcus said...

A little whiskey should take care of the trolls in your head, although it might release something even more terrible like that old Looney Toons short. Porky Pig is trying to sleep in a hotel, but there's a mouse. Daffy, the hotel owner, sends a cat to get rid of the mouse, then a dog to get rid of the cat, then.....a mouse to get rid of the elephant (while charging money for each service). Ya, I watched a lot of cartoons with my younger cousins over the holidays.

If you're taking requests for tech reviews.... I think I need to buy a laser lens cleaner for DVD recorder, but I can't seem to find a highly recommended one or very many reviews at all. It's either a cleaner or I replace the drive.

Marcus said...

How's CES going Chi-Lan?

Brent said...

Well Chi-Lan...time for your next blog entry.

Mike "Mooch" said...

Hear Hear Brent!!

I knew the witness protection program was tough, but who knew?

Brent said...

And she needs to post more pictures in her flickr account. Actually those she posted are cool because they are taken with a hassleblad and digital back. See photographers notice those things.

Marcus said...

Happy New Year Chi-Lan! I hope those trolls have left your head by now.

Zack said...

Hey Chi-Lan, hope things are going well! I think it's safe to say that we all eagerly await your return to blogging, but in the meantime don't forget to relax when you can! A Chi-Lan who writes wittily in her blog is no good if that Chi-Lan gets no sleep! So take care, and whenever you get the time, we'll be here waiting!

william said...

over 5 years later..
GAD! crazy days in 2005. 2011 and we now know too much sugar can cause diabetes