It's a gloomy Sunday in Los Angeles, and I am sitting in front of a computer working. You know, I am a big fan of rain because it reminds me of the good ol' times in San Francisco. Those were my formative years, when I learned how to have fun, smile and let go of the woes in life because if I didn't, my girlfriends would smack me upside the head and ban me from that week's winedrinking/Top Model watching Monday night. You know what a girl's gotta do.
Ha ha... Um... Huh? Top Model? I heard Front Loaders conserved water. I guess wine drinking leads to excesses.
Poor Chi Lan stuck in LA where the sun shines beyond the sky but the rain seems to fall. Your formative years of yours are obviously some of the best you've had and of course she be thought of always foundly. It is because of people like yourself, Sarah Lane, Leo Laporte, Kevin Rose, etc, etc. that i have finally been able to find something that will make me happy, smile, and forget my worries and woes and for that i will be eternally greatful...well ok you guys and anti depressants but that is another story.
Just remember no matter what merky weather comes your way, both physcially and metaphoriaclly, you always have your friends and people that will support you. Good luck in the future, and if im a really good boy maybe ill see you out there in LA someday.
In response to your comments:
Brent: yes, Top Model, but it wasn't my choice. I swear. It was a ritual I came in on too late to put a stop to, so I joined. I wonder if this is how Kaballah got so big...
ddavenport: I watched parts of the big game,, but missed the kitten killing commercial. if I would have seen it, I would have loved it I am sure. i am no animal hater, but man, love killing.
Dark magician: Dawg, you rock. And I probably will run into you one day in LA. Afterall, Prozac's main side effect is moving to LA. Look at the population here. Point proven.
Brian: No doubt.
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